

Dr. 黛布拉·萨拉塔| 423.869.7154 | 黛布拉.salata@mxappagd.com


根据美国.美国劳工统计局, employment of historians is projected to grow 6 percent from 2018 to 2028, 和所有职业的平均速度一样快. 许多雇佣历史学家的组织, 比如历史学会和历史咨询公司, 依靠捐赠或公共资金. 具有硕士或博士学位者.D. 应该有最好的工作机会吗. For more information on the job outlook for historians please see: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook H和book: Historians.

LMU's history major teaches students how to be a historian 和 provides them with a solid foundation for a variety of careers in teaching, 保护历史古迹, 在法学院和研究生院继续深造. Even if students choose not to develop a career in a history-related field, studying the past will give students new perspectives on the present 和 knowledge that is useful for succeeding in any career.



The 历史 Program seeks to prepare students to underst和 the American past 和 the history of the world around them, to create a global awareness of the diverse people with whom they share the Earth, 和 to foster an awareness of how cultures have interacted to create world history. 此外, the 历史 Program is committed to training students to think in historical terms, 从人文的角度来理解历史, 欣赏历史方法论, 和 to become capable of critically processing 和 using historical information in their coursework 和 post-graduate careers.

The 历史 Program’s mission supports the university’s effort to provide students with in-depth study of a field of knowledge. 通过研究和写论文和论文, the program supports the University’s effort to teach students effective communication, 和 its course content supports the University’s goal of providing students with an underst和ing of the development of human societies over time. The program’s course offerings in the life 和 career of Abraham Lincoln serve as a cornerstone of the University’s effort to highlight the president’s premier role among American statesmen 和 the values he represented in its mission.



The 历史 Program has three tracks students can choose from to best suit his or her interests 和 goals.


The Early Entry Program to the LMU Duncan School of Law allows undergraduate students at 澳门威尼斯人赌城 to apply, 被接受, 和 begin pursuing a JD at LMU Duncan School of Law (DSOL) prior to graduating with a Bachelor's Degree. 有关更多信息,请参见 的指导方针提前入学计划(2024年秋季开始).



  • HIST 121世界历史至1500年
  • HIST 122 1500年以来的世界历史
  • 美国历史至1877年
  • HIST 132 1877年以来的美国历史
  • HIST 300历史研究导论
  • 历史方法



The 历史 minor provides students with a more in-depth involvement with 历史 than General Education classes provide on their own. Starting with all four introductory surveys as a solid foundation, 然后,学生们至少要上9个小时的高年级课程. 对于这些上层阶级, 学生可以选择专注于自己感兴趣的特定领域, 比如19世纪的美国, 古代和古典世界, 中世纪的欧洲, 英国, 南亚, 以及中东地区. A 历史 minor provides students with the ability to sharpen analytical 和 communication skills through papers 和 presentations assigned in these upper-division classes. These skills translate across many fields 和 will benefit anyone heading into the workforce or pursuing furthering their educations. 辅修历史与主修英语的学生配合得特别好, 刑事司法, or 政治科学 和 is a very viable option because the minor only requires 18 credit hours. Students will already have 6 hours of this minor completed after they finish their General Education 历史 requirement.


  • HIST 121世界历史至1500(3学时)
  • HIST 122 1500年以来的世界历史(3学时)
  • HIST 131美国历史至1877年(3学时)
  • HIST 132 1877年以来的美国历史(3学时)
  • Electives in 历史 - any two upper-division 历史 classes at the 300 or 400 level (6 credit hours)



Dr. 卡森Benn
Dr. 威廉·哈代
Dr. 斯蒂芬妮霍利菲尔德
Dr. 乔安娜·尼尔森
Dr. 黛布拉资金



实习 are available on campus at the Abraham Lincoln Library Museum, as well as at several other historic sites 和 agencies in the region.



根据美国.美国劳工统计局, employment of historians is projected to grow 6 percent from 2018 to 2028, 和所有职业的平均速度一样快. 许多雇佣历史学家的组织, 比如历史学会和历史咨询公司, 依靠捐赠或公共资金. 具有硕士或博士学位者.D. 应该有最好的工作机会吗. For more information on the job outlook for historians please see: U.S. 美国劳工统计局职业展望手册, http://www.S Bureau of Labor Statistics.gov /哦/ life-physical-and-social-science /History学家.htm

有历史学位, students are prepared for jobs 和 graduate 和 professional programs that require solid analytical 和 communication skills.

Students interested in pursuing a career focus within the history field consider one of the following: 

  • Teaching at the secondary school level (with a major in 历史 和 Secondary education certification)
  • Teaching at community colleges 和 four-year colleges (with additional preparation through graduate-level coursework at universities that offer 历史 MA 和 PhD degrees)
  • 在博物馆从事研究和档案工作, 历史的社会, 以及国家和州立历史公园
  • 在公共部门从事研究和档案工作




  • Attending 研究生 和 Professional Programs at the University of Kentucky 和 the University of Tennessee
  • Working as director of tourism 和 education at the 亚伯拉罕林肯图书馆和博物馆, 澳门威尼斯人赌城
  • Serving as an official National Association for Interpretation (NAI) Certified Guide at Panther Creek State Park in the historic Holston River Valley
  • 在田纳西州立法机构任职
  • 练习法